Patient Information

Missed Appointment Policy

When it comes to parenting, you can expect the unexpected. We understand that things come up. Sometimes you can’t make it to a scheduled appointment. We get that. But please don’t leave us waiting. Just give us a quick call to let us know that you won’t be coming. We won’t be mad. But we will be able to open the appointment time for another child.

To make sure that all of our patients get the care they need, Wee Care Pediatrics asks that you please notify us if you are not going to be able to keep your scheduled appointment. Patients with three missed appointments and/or families with five missed appointments in the past twelve months will be required to come into the clinic for walk-in appointments only. Your child will still be able to see a doctor, but you’ll have to wait at the clinic for the next available provider.

If you keep leaving us waiting, we’ll have to keep you waiting. No one wants that to happen. Just remember to give us a quick call if you’re going to miss an appointment when something comes up.

Patient Pre-Registration Form

Download our printable patient pre-registration form. Go to patient portal. 

Vaccination Schedule

Over-the-Counter Medicine Dosing


May Give Every

12-17 lbs

6-11 mo

18-23 lbs

12-23 mo

24-35 lbs

2-3 yr

36-47 lbs

4-5 yr

48-59 lbs

6-8 yr

60-85 lbs

9-11 yr

Chewable Tablets 100 mg

6 hours

1 tab

1-1/2 tab

2 tab

2-1/2 tab

Chewable Tablets 50 mg

6 hours

2 tab

3 tab

4 tab

5 tab


50 mg/1.25 ml*

6 hours

1 dppr

1.25 ml

1-1/2 dppr

1.875 ml

2 dppr

2.25 ml

3 dppr

3.75 ml

Suspension 100mg/5 ml

6 hours

2.5 ml

1/2 tsp

4 ml

3/4 tsp

5 ml

1 tsp

7.5 ml

1-1/2 tsp

10 ml

2 tsp

12.5 ml

2-1/2 tsp

Suspension 100mg/5 ml

6 hours

1 tab

1-1/2 tab

For specific questions, please call us or your pharmacist. The maximum dose of ibuprofen is 800mg. Ibuprofen can be given every 6-8 hours. It should not be given more than 3 times per day for more than 2 days, or to infants younger than 6 months unless directed by your physician.

The above medications may be used for fever or for pain, but should only be used if you know what the cause of your child’s fever or pain is. If not, we recommend that you make an appointment to be seen.


Do note exceed 5 doses in 24 hours

May Give Every

6-11 lbs

2-3 mo

12-17 lbs

4-11 mo

18-23 lbs

12-23 mo

24-35 lbs

2-3 yr

36-47 lbs

4-5 yr

48-59 lbs

6-8 yr

60-85 lbs

9-11 yr

Infant Concentration (Suspension)

160 mg/5 ml

4-6 hours

1.25 ml

2.5 ml

1/2 tsp

3.75 ml

3/4 tsp

5 ml

1 tsp

7.5 ml

1 1/2 tsp

10 ml

2 tsp

12.5 ml

2 1/2 tsp

(3 tsp if over 72 lbs)

Chewable or Meltaway Junior 160 mg tablets

4-6 hours

2 tabs

2 1/2 tabs

(3 tabs if over 72 lbs)

Chewable or Meltaway

80 mg tablets

4-6 hours

2 tabs

3 tabs

4 tabs

5 tabs

(6 tabs if over 72 lbs)


120 mg

4-6 hours

1 supp

1-1/2 supp


325 mg

4-6 hours

1/2 supp

3/4 supp

1 supp


80 mg

4-6 hours

1 supp

1-1/2 supp

2 supp


160 mg/5 ml

4-6 hours

1.25 ml

2.5 ml

1/2 tsp

3.75 ml

3/4 tsp

5 ml

1 tsp

7.5 ml

1 1/2 tsp

10 ml

2 tsp

12.5 ml

2 1/2 tsp

(3 tsp if over 72 lbs)

For specific questions, call us or your pharmacist. The maximum dose for any weight is 1000mg. Tylenol can be given every 4 hours, and should not be given more than 4 times/day for more than 2 days, or to infants younger than 2 months old unless directed by your physician.

Well-Check Schedule

Prenatal Consult
(Learn More)

(Learn More)

2-5 Day
(Learn More)

1 Month
(Learn More)

2 Month
(Learn More)

4 Month
(Learn More)

6 Month
(Learn More)

9 Month
(Learn More)

12 Month
(Learn More)

15 Month
(Learn More)

18 Month
(Learn More)

2 Year
(Learn More)

30 Month
(Learn More)

3 Year
(Learn More)

4 Year
(Learn More)

5 Year
(Learn More)

6 Year
(Learn More)

7 Year
(Learn More)

8 Year
(Learn More)

9 Year
(Learn More)

10 Year
(Learn More)

11 Year
(Learn More)

12 Year
(Learn More)

13 Year
(Learn More)

14 Year
(Learn More)

15 Year
(Learn More)

16 Year
(Learn More)

17 Year
(Learn More)

18 Year
(Learn More)

Additional well-checks and follow-ups may be needed depending upon your child’s individual circumstance.

At each well-check, certain vaccinations and screening tests may be done. Please tell us if you missed any of your check-ups so that these items can be brought up-to-date. Please bring your child’s vaccination record to each visit.


Wee Care Pediatrics accepts all major insurance plans, including:

  • Aetna
  • Altius
  • Blue Cross
  • DMBA
  • IHC
  • Molina
  • PEHP
  • Tricare
  • Select Health
  • Health Choice Utah

Please check with your insurance company to ensure we are a preferred provider. We will also see patients without insurance on a cash-pay basis, as well as offer a discount.

Schedule Your Appointment

Same-day visits are almost always available for sick kids, and we make it easy to plan those all-important well-checks.