How to Make Tummy Time Fun: Creative Ideas to Keep Your Baby Engaged

Young baby playing on its belly

A general rule of thumb with babies is that they should sleep on their backs and play on their bellies. Tummy time is not only the first exercise your baby will ever do, but it also lets your newborn see the world from a new perspective and orient themselves to crawling and eventually walking.

What is tummy time?

Put simply, tummy time is when you place your baby on their belly for brief periods while awake. It helps to strengthen neck and shoulder muscles and improve motor skills. Tummy time is when your baby will learn to interact with the world, roll over, sit up, and crawl. The muscles they develop during tummy time will eventually give them the strength to stand on two legs.

Because tummy time combines playtime and exercise, some babies like it immediately, and others need some help finding the fun in it. You can start with two or three short sessions, each 3 to 5 minutes, and build up to between 15 and 30 minutes by the time your baby is 2 months old. It’s worth noting that those are minimum recommendations, and there’s nothing wrong with letting your baby enjoy tummy time for longer, as long as they’re having fun. However, if you find tummy time is a struggle, try these tips to make it more fun!

8 Ways to Make Tummy Time Fun!

  1. Belly-to-belly: Skin-to-skin contact is recommended for newborns and parents. It helps to build loving bonds, and is an excellent opportunity for tummy time. Lay your baby on your chest, tummy down, and let them become accustomed to being in that position.
  2. Baby airplane, or the football hold: Lay your baby across an arm, stomach-down. Make sure to support the neck and spine and walk around the house. You can turn this into a game, flying your baby from here to there, all while letting them get used to the tummy time position. Taking them around the house also lets them engage with new environments and stimulates their desire to look and reach for things.
  3. Use props: In general, tummy time should take place on the ground or on a low, flat surface so that your baby can’t fall and be injured. When your baby is little, they may need some support to lift their heads. If so, prop them up with a rolled-up blanket, towel, or pillow propped beneath the chest and arms. Over time, your baby will be able to support themselves, and you can take the prop away.
  4. Sing and play: The goal of tummy time is for your baby to lift themselves up, look around, reach for things, and engage with the world. You can make that more enjoyable and fun by singing songs or talking to your baby. Present them with toys, rattles, and other engaging objects to capture their attention.
  5. Use a mirror: A baby’s mind is hardwired to pay attention to faces, both the faces of others and their own. Showing a baby a mirror is often a source of delight as the baby squeals at their own expressions reflected back at them. Depending on their age, babies may or may not recognize themselves in the mirror, but they enjoy them regardless!
  6. Get eye-to-eye: You are your baby’s favorite person in the whole world. Join your baby on the floor for tummy time and get on their level. Whether you lay face to face or right next to them, they’ll have a better time, and you might, too.
  7. Blankets, rugs, and activity mats: If your baby has to put their nose to the floor, we can at least make the floor more interesting! There are a wide range of engaging blankets, rugs, and activity mats designed to stimulate little minds. A bird’s eye view of the city with some toy cars is a favored go-to, and some playmats have textured surfaces or interactive structures to keep your little ones entertained.
  8. Listen and respond: In the literal sense, babies benefit from engaging in conversation, even if that conversation is mostly one-sided. In the abstract, pay attention to what your baby likes and dislikes. As your little one gets older, they’ll start to express more autonomy and make their own choices. Let your baby do what they enjoy most by providing a wide range of toys, books, and other activities. Free play should be encouraged!
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